Write down suitable axis titles according to your desire and choose the position of Data Labels at the Inside End.

Again, click OK to close the Select Data Source dialog box.Now, select the range of cells E5:E9 and click OK. Another small dialog box titled Axis Labels will appear.In the Horizontal (Category) Axis Labels section, there will be a random number set of 1-5.As a result, a dialog box called Select Data Source will appear.To fix this issue, in the Chart Design tab, click on the Select Data option from the Data group.If you look carefully at the chart, you will notice that our chart doesn’t have the value on the X-axis.After that, in the Insert tab, select the drop-down arrow of Insert Column or Bar Charts from the Charts group and choose the Clustered Column option from the 2-D Column section.For that, select the range of cells G5:G9.Now, we will plot the histogram chart for the value of relative frequency.Double-click on the Fill Handle icon to copy the formula up to cell G9.We are using the AVERAGE function to estimate the mid valve. Now, select cell E5 and write down the following formula to get the average of these two limits.After that, manually input the upper limit ‘51’ and lower limit ‘100’ in cells C5 and D5 respectively.Then, input the following entities into the range of cells C4:E4 and G4 as shown in the image.

First of all, insert three columns between the Class Intervals and the Frequency.The steps to make the relative frequency histogram of this dataset are given below: The Class Intervals (Dollar) are in column B and the Frequency (No. In this example, we consider a dataset of five class intervals of daily income for 75 workers. Relative Frequency Histogram for Daily Income Data of Industry In this article, we will consider three simple examples to demonstrate the job to make a relative frequency histogram. The mathematical expression of relative frequency is:ģ Suitable Examples to Make a Relative Frequency Histogram in Excel So, the sum of all relative frequencies for any dataset will be one.

A relative frequency is a special type of graph or chart that illustrates the probability of the occurrence of any event.